Dick Polman

Trump is okay with states monitoring women’s pregnancies
The criminal defendant’s so-called Restoration agenda is festooned with fascist goodies... 6 insurrection, and he’s threatening violence again if he loses this fall. Question: “You think (abortion) should be left to the states...
The dirty details Trump hid from the voters ahead of the 2016 election
Let’s contrast the candidates. Meanwhile, in Manhattan, lowlife Donald Trump stewed while the porn star he screwed dished the dirty details of what transpired while his third wife was home with a newborn...
The Supreme Court is goose-stepping for Trump in slow motion
Way back when I was a boy, the U. Supreme Court was so revered as an institution that my fourth-grade teacher required us to learn the names of all nine members...
Despite what Trump’s desperate criminal lawyer says, this is not normal journalism
Todd Blanche, who’s stuck with the hapless task of defending Donald Trump in criminal court, mouthed something in his opening statement that really pissed me off...
Rest in peace: Truth-teller Bob Graham, who defied Iraq war fever
How sad it is that few Americans have heard of Bob Graham, who died Tuesday at 87, because this guy was truly a profile in courage when we needed it most...
Trump’s abortion punt
An adjudicated rapist, who was recently held liable by a jury for physically invading a woman’s bodily autonomy, has now taken it upon himself to opine about how government can control women’s bodily autonomy...
Don’t compare Trump’s social media post to Kathy Griffin
The Bible salesman deemed it a Christian gesture last week to retweet some MAGA moron’s depiction of the president of the United States trussed like a turkey in the back of a manly pickup truck...
NBC News and the folly of the Ronna McDaniel failure
The welcome announcement arrived at dinnertime, and it was good for digestion...
The day Republican’s impeachment efforts died
How delicious it is to sniff the smoking wreckage of the House Republican's fake impeachment probe. Turns out (according to federal court documents) Smirnov has “extensive and extremely recent” ties with “Russian intelligence agencies...
A female Republican’s most thankless job
There are lots of thankless odious jobs in America – sanitation worker, septic tank repairman – but surely none are worse than cleaning up Donald Trump’s serial excrement. It’s a tough job, defending a guy who also brags about ending Roe v...
Joe Biden’s State of the Union was strong. Why am I not surprised?
Al Pacino, in the film version of Glengarry Glen Ross, sat in a bar and said, “Our life is looking forward or looking back. Where is the moment? We can’t alter the past and we can’t see the future, so we should maximize the present moment...
Have we forgotten Trump’s ‘appalling response’ to the pandemic?
It’s perversely fitting that the anti-science quack whose imbecilic behavior during the pandemic resulted in an unnecessarily high death toll is now declaring that, if returned to power, he will withdraw all federal funds from public schools that ..

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